Monday, March 1, 2010

The Fourth Lateran Council

I wanted to know more about the Fourth Lateran Council so I looked at a few articles on The Fourth Lateran Council was convened in Rome by Pope Innocent III in 1215. It was summoned for the purpose of creating a list of canons to dictating the Pope's policies regarding the Church. These canons included minimum requirements for remaining a Christian, various disciplinary protocols, and arrangements for another crusade. The council caused the majority of soldiers still engaged in the Albigensian crusade to migrate east to support the fifth crusade. Simon of Montfort, controlling the Christian forces of the Albigensian Crusade, resorted to hiring mercenaries to conquer and control Toulouse.

1 comment:

  1. That is so interesting... seeing as how I can totally use that for my paper (: Thanks!
