Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Age of Empires II: The Saladin Campagin

Does anybody remember that old computer game, Age of Empires II? It's a game that consists of selecting a civilization to play with, building a city, and (basically) destroying all other civilizations. I sure know I spent a lot of time playing it. Until recently, however, I had never tested its historical accuracy.

The link is to an information page about the Saladin campaign of Age of Empires II. As you begin campaign mode, you are thrown back into the times of the third crusade, when the Muslim world is in a state of confusion, run by weak leaders. You take control of Saladin and his armies and slowly unite Muslim armies in order to fight off Christians in your homeland. There are two levels I distinctly remember: the first level, where Saladin marches to Cairo to overthrow a weak vizier and break Cairo's alliance with the Frankish people; and another level, where the pirates of Reynald are ruthlessly attacking Muslim caravans and Saladin and his troops must put an end to this growing problem. Several other historically accurate levels exist, such as the Muslim victory at Hattin. However, we also find some fairly inaccurate material in this campaign, such as Richard the Lionheart's attack on Jerusalem, which never fully carried out.

Overall, this game is worth a try for anybody remotely interested in the Middle Ages and has proven to be one of the most fascinating games of its time. While some inaccuracy exists on the topic of the crusades, the engaging gameplay experience will most likely help you overlook those minor details.


  1. It is interesting to see what entertainment mediums pick up the Crusades as the time period to set their stories. We know movies are popular, but video games also seem to be really popular with this time period. Age of Empires is a big title, as well as Assassin's Creed that came out recently. War games always have a lot of potential to be popular, but it's interesting to see how using a boadsword, shield, or bow and arrow can be found to be just as engaging as automatic weapons and grenade launchers, even in today's times.

  2. Age of Empires II is one of my favorite childhood games. Ill bring a copy to class in case anyone wants to see it in action. I think It was how i first became interested in the crusades.
