Saturday, April 3, 2010


After a presentation a few days ago on Chivalry in the middle ages, I wanted to learn a little more about medieval concepts of chivalry. I found some information at the following site: The term "chivalry" originates from several different languages in Europe all meaning "warrior on horseback." Over time, the true meaning of the term changed to include the knights' system of virtues and ethics. Chivalric values began in the middle ages during the conquests to the west consisting of vows of honor and regulation of activities. As the concepts of chivalry evolved they grew to include honoring, serving, and doing nothing to displease women. Knights were vital members of society because of their status as bearer of arms, owners of horse and armor, and participators of religious ceremony. After the crusades declined, knights continued to practice their values and skills in tournaments. Tales of knights and chivalry are still widely known today.

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